To have another language is to possess a second soul (Charlemagne)
Second Soul
Second Soul provides a high-quality service from a sworn translator and editor with excellent academic credentials.
Since 2005, Second Soul has helped a wide range of clients communicate with their audiences in English. These clients include scientific, research, cultural and educational institutions, oil & gas and energy companies, academics, multinationals, design agencies, event organisers, exhibition centres, artists and government departments.
Whether you need an academic report, research paper or press release translated, an annual report reviewed or a website edited, you can rest assured that your text is in capable hands.
At Second Soul, quality always comes first. A flexible, personal service means that you retain full control over decisions of style and the level of editing applied. Particularly relevant in long-term projects, using a single translator ensures consistency, avoids errors and saves time.
Second Soul is specialised in the following fields:
• environmental and climate science
• energy
• sustainable development
• physics
• mathematics
• education
• research
• oil & gas industry
• offshore
• agriculture
“Opeens hadden we eigenlijk te veel titels, tijdschriften en nieuwsbrieven waar teksten voor geredigeerd moesten worden. We zijn een internationaal bedrijf, dus konden wel een extra native speaker gebruiken. Gelukkig kwamen we terecht bij Serena en ze zei meteen ja tegen een samenwerking met ons. Het is prettig om met haar samen te werken, want naast dat ze goed is in haar werk, is ze ook nog eens erg flexibel. Iets wat we bij ons in het bedrijf wel kunnen gebruiken. We hopen op een lange samenwerking!”
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‘Serena regularly edits publications for us and we are very happy with her work. She is accurate, competent and reliable. She changes Dunglish into English with a good understanding of scientific jargon and our Dutch authors’ original intentions. This is greatly appreciated by us all. Furthermore, Serena is flexible and always achieves the sometimes rather tight deadlines. She gets my wholehearted recommendation.’
Annemieke Righart - PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Bert Keurentjes - translation coordinator at Radboud in'to Languages
Leo van Houwelingen - Prevent Survey B.V.
'We started working with Serena in 2013 and we look forward – with pleasure – to using her services as a translator and editor for many more years to come! We’ve come to know Serena as a quality-driven and customer-focused linguist who is always open to queries and requests. As a graduate in physics, Serena has outstanding skills in the field of technical translations in particular but she is also well versed in many other fields, including higher education and marketing.'
Kitty Brussaard - Owner, BusiText - Professional Business Language Solutions

“Serena is a reliable academic editor and translator. She regularly does the English translation or first editing round of academic articles, summaries and press releases for us and she adapts easily to each writer’s style and discipline. Serena can be trusted to work according to deadline and to do her research in order to conform with the respective academic reference style and topic.”
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University Groningen